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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Nitrogen Narcosis - What Is It ?

Deep diving can bring to a diver with another difficulty that relates to nitrogen diving - nitrogen narcosis a euphoric anesthetic effect nicknamed Rapture of the Deep. As you might remember the air we breathe is 21 % Oxygen and 78 % Nitrogen and the other 1% is various gases. On the surface the air gives us no real effects, but at depth and under pressure, nitrogen can give us nitrogen narcosis.

When breathing air nitrogen develops an increase partial pressure at about 100 feet. The exact mechanism surrounding this narcosis is not fully understood, but almost any gas can cause this narcosis under high pressures. Theory suggests that nitrogen becomes dissolved in the lipids(fats) in nerve cells, which interfere with signal transmission from neuron to neuron.

Underwater and at depths reaching 100 feet, nitrogen has a noticeable intoxicating affect that intensifies as you do deeper.

Narcosis may make a diver feel dizzy, sleepy, and may affect memory underwater. They also may feel falsely secure, exercise poor judgement and become uncoordinated.
Nitrogen Narcosis affects divers differently and can affect the same diver differently on different days. It can make a diver feel anxious or uncomfortable, which can lead to panic or other poor decisions.

When you ascend the effects of the narcosis recede quickly , with no after effects. It is not dangerous or harmful in itself, but it impairs judgement and coordination.

This is why divers who do dive deep consistently will dive and be trained to dive with enriched air. This meaning diving with air that is greater than 21% Oxygen. Although diving with increased oxygen can have some for the same effects and carry a different set of risks. This is why a diver must be properly trained in enriched air diving. A topic for future blogs and lessons.

If while diving you start to feel intoxicated, uncoordinated, or confused, immediately ascend to shallower depths to relieve the feeling. If your buddy acts impaired help him to a shallower depth.

To prevent Nitrogen Narcosis, simply avoid deep dives. Take and be trained in the Padi Deep Dive Certification Course. In this the instructors can watch and observe you under water and at depth.

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